Tuesday, August 25, 2020

To swivel on leather

As always never a straight fit.

All Done

Let there be light

 Inside drivers side

Tape up so I can see the line more easy.

Centre  lines then check corner to corner make sure its square the hole 1105 X 455

Frame with Sika 221 on ready to clamp in place.

Clamped in place. View from inside.

View from outside.

Heavy bead of Sika 221 all around the frame as per the destructions.

Now to the sliding door. same principles. 

One big difference the inside frame does not have the clearance the first one did. Plus the rib was a bit harder to remove.

The frame this side had to be shaped as it was a v tight fit the 110 x 450 window. 

Plenty of sanding offing up and more sanding.

Four holes so I can check from the outside if square.

Tape up not to scratch the paint.

Jig saw out 

Touch up bare metal keep old tin worm away.

Frame clamped 

A real tight fit but its in.

Give me some shade

 yawninning  unwrap the beast  tree places the brackets need to sit dry fit to start the measure, measure and measure again. the end of the ...